Friday, May 23, 2008

She Took the Bait

They caught her. My boss set a trap and she totally fell into it. It was the girl I had accused. I feel pretty relieved and a little vindicated, but at the same time, more sad than anything else. I don't think I'm supposed to know all of what's going on, so I don't feel I can share it on my blog. All I'll say is that this girl is caught up in bad stuff and it's taking over and ruining her life. I've felt such a heavy burden over the last few days to pray for her. I don't know that I'll ever see her again, but I really wish I could help her. It hurts to see the enemy bringing death to those around me and feel helpless to stop it. I pray that we, as God's holy ones, will be equipped with righteous weapons to face and defeat the enemy. So be it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, sorry I couldn't chat tonight.. you really should call me this weekend whenever.. I am not doing anything exciting .. just packing up and relaxing with the girls. i'll be driving back on Sunday so I'll def need a phone buddy :)

Sorry to hear about your co-worker, oddly she's been on my heart as well in my prayers for you. I hope things work out for her and you can love her through it. Reminds me of a conversation we had in class about the difference between using the terms "poor" vs. "impoverished". One implies it is her fault for making the choices she made out of necessity... the other suggests perhaps we have put her in a position to cause her to need to make a choice, that while wrong, wasn't necessarily surprising given the circumstances. Makes you think about who is responsible for loving her into a healthy place as well eh?

Miss you kid.. call me. :)