Friday, September 28, 2007

Not As Holey As I Used to Be (In a Good Way)

When I took off the dressing on my back hole (or the artist formerly known as the back hole) on Sunday morning, I realized there wasn't any drainage on the bandage. I quickly turned around to look in the mirror. Sure enough, there's no more hole. There's just a scar and divot, which will be great for keeping my back from flooding when I'm laying face down in the rain.

I had my last ET nurse visit yesterday, which consisted of marveling at the lack of hole where they don't naturally occur and saying goodbyes. Also, as of today, I'm finished taking antibiotics. It's hard to believe there's no one left to visit or nothing left to do aside from restoring my body to its former perfection, which will be a cinch I'm sure.

I spent the first half of this week in Abilene doing some house and job hunting. I was successful in the housing department and am somewhat hopeful in the job arena. My brother, who's going to be my roommate as soon as he gets a job in Abilene, drove down on Monday, and we hit the real estate market hard. After scouring the four corners of the earth, our eyes rested on 1949 Beckham, which I can now proudly say is my current residence. It was pretty sweet how it worked out. We didn't have to sign a year lease and she gave me the keys before I even paid her rent. I'm officially moving to Abilene on Saturday. So, if anyone has extra furniture, kitchen stuff or anything you think would be useful to me, I'd be glad to relieve you of it.

This whole move to Abilene is still so weird to me. Most days I'm pretty bipolar in how I feel about it. On one hand, moving there is great, because I already have a dozen good friends there and I know the town. On the other hand, it seems so much less exciting than what I've become accustomed (maybe a little addicted) to, and I can already tell I'm going to have to fight the cynicism I left Abilene with after college. What I'm starting to see is that I have to learn to marry the mundane with the magnificent, dovetail the dull with the dynamic, and orchestrate the ordinary with the outrageous. With the simplest of actions and thoughts, I can take part in the Kingdom of Heaven coming - the most exciting thing happening on this planet. There is adventure in Abilene, no matter how disguised it may seem.


rot9 said...

I have an extra chair you can have if you come get it. May your hole-i-net be quickly replaced by hol-i-net.

Steve and Joan said...

What a journey! Glad you are moving into the next phase!

Too Tall said...

I like a good "artist formerly known as" joke, thanks for that. And nice work on the back-hole.